Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does this bot do?

This bot continuously monitors the balance of a specified Ethereum wallet and automatically transfers the balance to a designated recipient address if it exceeds a certain threshold.

2. Which networks does the bot support?

This example code is configured to work on the Ethereum mainnet. However, with necessary modifications, it can also work on other EVM-compatible networks like Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, etc.

3. Is my private key secure?

This code keeps your private key locally and signs transactions locally. Never share your private keys with anyone and store them in a secure environment.

4. How can I change the transfer threshold?

To change the transfer threshold, update the value in the line const transferThreshold = ethers.utils.parseEther("0.0003");. For example, for a threshold of 0.001 ETH, you can use ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001");.

5. How often does the bot check the balance?

This bot checks the balance every second (1000 milliseconds). To change this interval, update the value in setInterval(checkAndTransfer, 1000);. For example, to check every 5 seconds, you can change this to 5000.

6. How does the transfer process work?

The transfer process is triggered when the wallet balance exceeds the specified threshold. The bot transfers the amount that exceeds the threshold to the recipient address.